Help us prioritize our roadmap

Create or upvote features you want to see in our Beautiful Cookie Banner Plugin.

Local Stats: have a link to download stats

More color options for banner 2

For example: if youtube can not be loaded: add a placeholder to explain the user what to do, to allow youtube.

Export import for banner 2 over Jason upload or paste ( ore what you want format)

Have a similiar tab for banner 2 as for banner 1.

Currently with Banner 2 you apply the class nsc-bara-manage-cookie-settings to any link. Clicking on this link will then open the preferences modal.

To make it nicer: have an overlay.

Currently it is not possible to delete custom services. Please add a feature to do so.

Detection of users

If the user's IP address indicates they are from California, they should see a separate CCPA banner instead of the GDPR banner.
How to configure the banner to switch between GDPR and CCPA

The system should automatically determine which banner to display based on the user's location.
The CCPA banner should be fully customizable, with a separate text and link, distinct from the GDPR banner.
This would allow us to provide a specific message and layout for CCPA compliance while keeping GDPR settings intact.
User settings flexibility

While I understand that all settings are currently manual, it would be great if there was an option to enable automatic detection and switching between GDPR and CCPA banners based on location.
The administrator should be able to define both GDPR and CCPA banners independently within the dashboard.
I have attached a screenshot to illustrate how the two banners should differ visually.